Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center

Resource Submission

This page allows developers to submit their model, tool, or resource for inclusion within EMAC. Use the form below to let us know about your tool, including it’s name, a brief description, the developers, what categories the resource falls under, whether you want the resource hosted on EMAC, and any relevant links, images, or credits that you’d like us to include.

After you submit your resource, a member of our team will be in touch to discuss a plan for including it in EMAC.

NOTE: All web-based submissions are expected to conform to W3C standards, must pass the W3C Markup and CSS validation services, and must support all major cross-platform browsers (sc. Chrome, Firefox, and Safari).

Please provide your first name

Please provide your last name

Please provide an email address at which the EMAC team can contact you

The name of the resource (limited to 40 characters)

The developer/researcher credits of the resource (e.g. “Smith, J. et al.” or “The COOL Team”; may contain HTML)

A description of the resource (may contain HTML; limited to 700 characters)

A descriptive sub-title (e.g. “Bayesian Statistical Analysis for Transit Lightcurve Fitting”; limited to 100 characters)

The (optional) version number of the resource (name + version must be unique)

Keywords to prioritize in search

A list of coding languages used by this tool, seperated by commas (ex: Python3, C, Fortran). If the tool is a website or catalog, or has no code to interact with, put N/A

Upload an (optional) logo image for the resource (limited to 1MB)

Would you like your tool to be hosted/executed on an EMAC server?

Would you like to store data/model output on a web-accessible EMAC server?

Any further information you would like to include with your submission

The categories that are applicable to the resource

Suggest a category not listed here