September Updates and New Tools!
EMAC_admin | Oct. 13, 2020, 3:12 p.m.
We've added a number of new updates to the EMAC Featured Resources homepage during the month of September, as well as 14 new tools!
On the EMAC homepage, we've added an option for a "Demo" link for tools, which will link to a demonstration or tutorial for the tool. Our EMAC Science Support Team has created a YouTube video demo for the Exoplanet Composition Interpolator to start out with - take a look, and consider making one for your tool!
We've also added a submission field for the most relevant publication for the resource (we're planning to make this link accessible in the future), and also a new resource category (Data Visualization Tools). If you'd like to adjust your resource entry to take advantage of these changes, contact us by email or the Feedback page.
Finally, here's a list of our new tools posted in September:
- Barycorrpy: Precise Barycentric Correction for Stellar and Solar Radial Velocities and Time-
- BEM: Beyond the Exoplanet Mass-radius Relation with Random Forest
- ExoCAM: Exoplanet Extension for the CAM GCM
- JET: JWST Exoplanet Targeting Program
- MRExo: Nonparametric Mass-radius Modelling for Exoplanets
- MulensModel: A Microlensing Event Fitting Tool
- ODUSSEAS: A Machine Learning Tool to Derive Effective Temperature and Metallicity for M
Dwarf Stars
- PEXO: A Tool for Precise Modeling and Fitting for Timing, Radial Velocity and Astrometry
- REBOUND: A Flexible Multi-Integrator N-body Code
- REPAST: Rocky ExoPlanet Albedo Spectra Tool
- SVO Filter Profile Service: A repository of Filter information for the Virtual Observatory
- SVO Theoretical Spectra Server
- The Exo-Striker: Transit and Radial Velocity Fitting Tool for Orbital Analysis and N-Body
- tpfplotter: TESS Target Pixel Files Creator
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