Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center

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Winter Update - 32 New Tools

EMAC_admin | April 6, 2022, 4:28 p.m.

Hello Exoplaneteers!

It has been a busy winter at the Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center. We have a whopping 32 new tools and resources for you! Make sure to click on the links below to see the power of each new tool and resource. 

  1. PyExoRaMa: An Interactive Tool in Python to Investigate the Radius-Mass Diagram for Exoplanets
  2. special: SPEctral Characterization of ImAged Low-mass companions
  3. GENGA: A GPU N-body integrator for planet formation and planetary system evolution
  4. SOAP 2.0: RV stellar activity simulation including spot and faculae
  5. NbodyGradient: Differentiable symplectic N-body code for arbitrary orbital architectures
  6. Roman Coronagraph Exposure Time Calculator: Estimates integration times for the Roman Coronagraph instrument
  7. RASSINE: A tool for stellar spectrum continuum fitting
  8. SISTER: Starshade Imaging Simulation Toolkit for Exoplanet Reconnaissance
  9. spectools_ir: A suite of tools designed for analysis of medium/high-resolution IR molecular spectra
  10. ROCKE-3D: A fully coupled ocean atmosphere 3-D General Circulation Model
  11. BASTA: The BAyesian STellar Algorithm
  12. dips: Detrending strictly periodic signals
  13. RADIS: Fast Line-by-line code for infrared emission & absorption spectra at equilibrium & non-LTE
  14. Isca: Idealized global circulation modeling: A flexible GCM for modelling planetary atmospheres.
  15. LDTk: Limb Darkening Toolkit
  16. PyTransit: Fast and easy exoplanet transit light curve modelling in Python
  17. SERVAL: Spectrum radial velocity analyser
  18. MAGRATHEA: Planetary interior structure code
  19. P-winds: An open-source Python code to model planetary outflows and upper atmospheres
  20. TULIPS: Tool for Understanding the Lives, Interiors, and Physics of Stars
  21. PyMieDAP: Radiative Transfer of Polarized Light in Planetary Atmospheres
  22. TidalPy: Software Toolbox for Estimating Tidal Heating and Dynamics in Solar System Moons and Exoplanets
  23. Nii: A Bayesian orbit retrieval code applied to differential astrometry
  24. EVolve: Growth and evolution of volcanically-derived atmospheres
  25. gCMCRT: A GPU accelerated MCRT code for (exo)planetary atmospheres
  26. Exodetbox: Underlying Methods for Calculating Integration Time Adjusted Completeness
  27. ThERESA: Three-Dimensional Eclipse Mapping with Spectroscopic Lightcurves
  28. Exo-REM: 1D self-consistent radiative-equilibrium model for exoplanetary atmospheres
  29. UBER: Universal Boltzmann Equation Solver
  30. zeus: A Python implementation of ensemble slice sampling for efficient Bayesian parameter inference
  31. The all-sky PLATO input catalogue: 
  32. The Photometry Pipeline (PP): Automated photometry pipeline for small to medium-sized observatories

Our team is working hard on new updates for the site, including a new subscription feature that will allow users to get updates on categories of their choice. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for tool help via our demo tutorials and follow us on Twitter @ExoplanetModels for more updates!

Happy Exploring!

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