EMAC_admin | Aug. 3, 2021, 4:30 p.m.
Dear EMAC users and resource developers,
The NASA Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) CUISINES Working Group is pleased to announce a workshop:
BUFFET: Building a Unified Framework For Exoplanet Treatments
September 27-29, 2021 • online everywhere
This three-day workshop will bring together scientists who use a variety of models to explore the planets in the Solar System and beyond, and who are interested in participating in community-led efforts to compare results across models. These model intercomparisons will hopefully lead to a better understanding of modeled planetary environments, processes and spectral characteristics that are dramatically different from modern Earth, as well as lead to improvements for individual models.
The main objective of this workshop is the development of a framework for designing exoplanet model intercomparison projects (MIPs) that would promote best scientific practices and maximize scientific output, as well as enable broad and inclusive community participation.
This workshop is for you if:
A significant part of the workshop will be devoted to brainstorming about both scientific targets and practical matters for completing MIPs that advance the scientific interests of the community. The BUFFET workshop is therefore directly in line with SEEC and EMAC community-oriented efforts and will be closely connected to the EMAC mission by providing data and model repositories for each of the CUISINES future intercomparisons.
Your contributions as users and developers will aid the community in facilitating these future intercomparisons! We therefore encourage the EMAC community to please indicate their interest to aid us in planning by filling out the following short form: https://forms.gle/yvQ1ka3qpfRtaAXi7
The EMAC and CUISINES Teams, for the BUFFET SOC
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