Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center

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Announcing the 1st ever EMACeys!

EMAC_admin | Dec. 8, 2021, 1:04 p.m.

Hello Exoplaneteers!

We are very excited to announce the most prestigious made up award in exoplanet modeling: the first ever Exoplanet Modeling & Analysis Center's End of Year Superlatives (EMACeys)! Each day from Dec. 13th- 24th we will post a twitter pole for one of our 12 categories followed by 4 nominations. The 4th nomination for each category will be determined by you! Visit our twitter page @ExoplanetModels and DM us or retweet one of our category tweets with the hashtag #EMACeys with your nomination. 4th Nomination voting closes Sunday, Dec. 12th at 11:59pm ET. Voting for the first award will begin Monday, Dec. 13th at 9am ET. Voting for each category will be open for 24 hours and the winner will be announced the following day. See the categories and nominees below and be sure to use #EMACeys on twitter to add/follow the lively debate on why a tool should be awarded! Lastly, have an exoplanet modeling tool that you’d like to include in the EMACeys but it isn’t on our site yet? Well go to https://emac.gsfc.nasa.gov/submissions/ to submit it today!

Most Convoluted Back-ronym

  1. DYNAMITE: DYNAmical Multi-planet [System Architecture] Injection [via Monte Carlo Integrations] TEster
  2. ThERESA: Three-Dimensional Eclipse Mapping with Spectroscopic Lightcurves
  3. EVolve: Growth and evolution of volcanically-derived atmospheres
  4. TBD

Tool most likely to be a Pokémon

  1. FALCO: Wavefront Estimation and Control Software for Coronagraphs
  2. EXOCROSS: A general program for generating spectra from molecular line lists
  3. ShellSpec: Lightcurves, spectra and images of binaries and exoplanets with moving circum-object material
  4. TBD

Tools most likely to be frenemies

  1. BATMAN: A Python Package for Fast Calculation of Exoplanet Transit Light Curves & The Joker: A custom Monte Carlo sampler for the two-body problem
  2. ARCHI: An expansion to the CHEOPS mission official pipeline & Agatha: A Framework of Periodograms to Disentangle Periodic Signals from Correlated Noise
  3. THOR: Flexible Global Circulation Model to Explore Planetary Atmospheres & Wotan: Remove Trends from Time-series Data
  4. TBD

Tool most likely to be used by Darth Vader

  1. Kepler DR25 Robovetter: Automatic vetting of Kepler DR25 TCEs into Planet Candidates and False Positives
  2. Exostriker: Transit and Radial velocity Interactive Fitting tool for Orbital analysis and N-body simulations
  3. PlanetSlicer: Phase Curve Fitting for Emission and Reflection via the Orange Slice Model
  4. TBD

Best Tool Named After Greek/Roman Mythology

  1. VULCAN: Photochemical kinetics for planetary atmospheres
  2. HELIOS: 1D radiative-convective model for exoplanetary atmospheres
  3. APOLLO: MCMC Exoplanet Atmosphere Retrieval Code
  4. TBD

Tool most likely to be a superpower name

  1. EXOFAST: Fitting Tool for RV and Astrometric Datasets Observed with any Combination of Wavelengths
  2. orbitize!: Package for Orbit-Fitting of Directly Imaged Objects
  3. xwavecal: A Blind Wavelength Calibration Algorithm for Echelle Spectrographs
  4. TBD

Tool most likely to be in Lord of the Rings

  1. IcyDwarf: IcyDwarf computes the coupled geophysical-chemical-orbital evolution of an icy dwarf planet or moon
  2. The Opacity Wizard: A Tool for Visualizations of Opacity and Abundance Data for Exoplanet and Brown Dwarf Atmospheres
  3. Exorings: Python Tools for Displaying and Fitting Giant Extrasolar Planet Ring Systems
  4. TBD

Tool most likely to be 90s rock band (in an alternate universe)

  1. EDI-Vetter Unplugged: Transit Signal False Positive Vetting Tool
  2. Exo-REM: 1D self-consistent radiative-equilibrium model for exoplanetary atmospheres
  3. HARDCORE Web Interface
  4. TBD

Who you'd love to have a conversation with

  1. Hypatia Catalog: Database of stellar elemental abundances for solar neighborhood stars
  2. PICASO: Open-Source RT Model for Computing Reflected Exoplanet Light at any Phase Geometry
  3. KOBE: Kepler Observes Bern Exoplanets
  4. TBD

Which Tool would win in a fight

  1. CHIMERA: Exoplanet Emission/Transmission Atmospheric Retrieval Tool
  2. TRICERATOPS: Bayesian Vetting and Validation Tool for Transiting Exoplanet Candidates
  3. Pyratbay: A Forward-modeling and retrieval code to model exoplanet atmospheres and spectra
  4. TBD

Tool you'd like to own as a pet

  1. SWEET-Cat: A catalog of stellar parameters for stars with planets
  2. AstroBEAR: An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Computational Astrophysics
  3. PandExo: JWST/HST Simulator
  4. TBD

Tool most likely to be an anime hero/villain

  1. MRExo: Nonparametric Mass-radius Modelling for Exoplanets
  2. ODUSSEAS: A Machine Learning Tool to Derive Effective Temperature and Metallicity for M Dwarf Stars
  3. JET: JWST Exoplanet Targeting Program
  4. TBD

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for for tool help via our demo tutorials and follow us on Twitter @ExoplanetModels for more updates!

Happy Exploring!

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